Playful animals of all kinds bounce through snow | USA TODAY

Playful animals big and small are having so much fun in the snow.

RELATED: Ice skating dog makes it look easy on the rink

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#SnowDay #Winter #CuteAnimals

Indoctrinate, Condition or Brainwash

I remember hearing a story about a woman who went to the butcher to buy meat. She asked him for a ten-pound roast but added that she wanted a couple of inches to be cut off one end. When the butcher questioned her about why she wanted this, she replied “I don’t know.

Be Active In Your Life

I find it interesting to listen to people who are sad, afraid and immobilized because they have heard something that is sketchy which they believe is the truth. Often the source was unreliable or was just spouting off ideas that had no realistic basis. Yet, despite the fact that the message was faulty, the individuals who hear it feel victimized and in crisis.

In Like a Lion

When I was a child we always talked about March as coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb. Since then there has been a great deal of controversy about weather patterns and some rather strange events. Recently, Texas experienced a horrible snow storm that was unusual for them.

Mad, Sad or Glad?

Is water good or bad? It depends on what you do with it. You can wash your hair, have a drink or drown in it.

What’s Going On in the United States?

A few years ago I had the thrill of visiting Washington, D.C. A “Hop-on-hop off” tram took me around the city while the driver served as tour guide.